
The Mainstreaming of Ron Paul

Afton5/08/2009 6:17:26 am PDT

The Leftists in America have attacked two Republicans in America more directly than any others because these two have voiced the strongest Conservative views - these two have been attacked mercilessly by the folks on the left that are doing their best to stop the Conservative message. Those two Republicans just happen to both be women - Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin.

Sarah Palin had the “nerve” to question Barack Obama’s intentions and the Left put together a well orchestrated attack machine up against her, focusing of course on her personally as opposed to being men (and ladies) and debating her views. We see the same with Bachmann. Bachmann’s now a kook or an extremist because she speaks Conservative talking points and had the “nerve” to question Obama’s patriotism and long term goals.

Isn’t it amazing how in America, a Conservative politiican’s view on religion makes her “dumb” while a Democrat politician who breaks the law still either sits in Congress or is a member of the President’s cabinet?

Don’t be fooled - an attack on Bachmann’s “social” or “religious” positions is nothing but a smokescreen for the Left being very afraid she’s gonna gain traction with her asking Tim Geithner how constitutional his TARP plans are or her call for limited government.