
Palin: Senior Citizens Will Be Pressured to Die

JohninLondon8/13/2009 12:24:58 pm PDT

Whatever people may say of Palin, what other leading GOP figure has drawn attention to the implications of healthcare rationing by some Government-run organisation ?

We have a lot of that already in Britain’s NHS. The “panels” that dictate what is and is not proper procedure and medical protocol come under the “NICE” heading - our National Institute for …Clinical Excellence”. They lay down an awful lot of groundrules for doctors :

Trouble is - the groundrules are very much impacted by the need for economy in use of resources. For example, a lot of cardiac procedures are not favoured for older people with particular complications. There is much splendid theorising about why this rationing is “better for the patient…their prognosis would not be good enough to justify the risk of operating…” - but my cardiologist daughter has just co-authored a paper showing that denial of such procedures is often wrong, because the “risks” are overstated. That is -0 rationing in this way condemns many people to die because they are not given the procedures that could improve their condition.

From over here, Palin’s statements taken in the round may include some hyperbole, but the topics she raises should have been discussed well before this. All this pilin’onPalin looks exaggerated.