
Breitbart Shocked, Shocked to Find That Birtherism is Going on at TeaBagCon

keloyd2/06/2010 4:45:48 pm PST

There are old proverbs from time immemorial (at least 1995) that warn us about arguing over Hitler on the internet.

Still, the Nazi party, during its rise to power, was in the mode of “say pretty much anything that gets us what we want” - taking on left and right wing traits. The fascism in the rest of Europe is maybe not apples and oranges, but at least tangerines and oranges to the Anglo-American notions of left and right. Any attempt to use left/right terminology just stretches the definitions until they’re of no use, imho.

Grabbing control of the state through violence and subterfuge is regularly used by the Left in many places, and by the Right in some other places.

I would say their cavalier attitude toward free market capitalism and property rights correlates with many countries’ experience with their “left” wing.

Antisemitism has been embraced and fought by left and right wing factions in the US.

In other news, Hitler had a nephew who moved to the US, changed his name, but later gave his son the middle name “Adolf”. The grand nephew is a baby boomer now.