
Stephen Colbert: Sean Spicer Is Irreplaceable (Because No One Wants His Job)

Blind Frog Belly White6/21/2017 5:50:35 pm PDT

re: #454 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

He has a point in that our current energy storage mechanisms aren’t really compatible with a 100% switch to dynamic (wind/solar) renewable energy sources. However, that is merely a matter of technological development, and as a supplemental power source, both wind and solar are reliable enough and certainly plentiful enough, with proper planning. (Read: Put wind farms on the plains, and solar farms in the desert.)

“The wind only blows sometimes here, so wind power is stupid!”

Wingnut thinking requires that every solution for conservation must be completely, totally, universally applicable, or they’re completely worthless.

E.g. the Prius: “I have to haul big loads of plywood and wallboard every day, and you can’t do that in a Prius, so they’re stupid and useless!”

Or the shorter range EVs: “I commute 70 miles a day, and the range is only 60 miles! They’re stupid and useless!”

Because nobody in the world DOESN’T haul big loads of plywood and wall board, and EVERYBODY lives more than 30 miles from work.