
VIDEO: Heritage Foundation's Benghazi Panelists Mock Muslim Student

CuriousLurker6/17/2014 9:09:46 pm PDT

I don’t know how many of you saw when I posted YouTube video about Boko Haram from the Naval War College in a semi-snarky comment to KT yesterday or the day before, but I sat down and watched the entire thing last night and was particularly struck by his mention of American Muslims being able to make a difference.

In one instance he talked about how a group of American imams traveled to Nigeria and talked to Nigerian imams and got some of the to change their minds on some radical ideas. The other thing was American Muslims getting together and creating a photo gallery of mosques in the U.S. He said the Nigerians were like, “Oh, well they just haven’t burned them down yet…” They were truly shocked to learn that (bumps in the road & the professional Islamophobes notwithstanding) we’re free to practice Islam in peace & safety here.

If these assholes would HELP us reach out instead of fear mongering and trying to marginalize & demonize us, we might be able to make a real difference where radicalism is concerned, both here and overseas.

But I guess they’re making too much money with their hate to care. *SIGH*