
Lindsey Graham Says Romney Harmed the GOP, Then Rants About Benghazi Fake Scandal

Eclectic Cyborg11/18/2012 1:35:35 pm PST

I know the exact reason they won’t let this Benghazi stuff drop: It’s a continuing gold mine for the right wing blogs and pundits who owe their livelihoods to this stuff.

The term “Benghazi” has become merely a marketing gimmick these people can use to drive page views and listeners and whatever else. It’s a business, it’s a big business.

Look at these Amazon results for the terms “Obama” and “Libya”

The industry that has been built around extreme dislike/distrust of the 44th President is a BIG industry.

And it’s not JUST Libya. Look at this list of bestselling Amazon kindle downloads in the politics category. Almost all of them are anti-Liberal or anti-Obama or both and that’s just one page out of five.

David Frum already has an ebook out called “Why Romney Lost”.

It’s not about actual foreign policy or political discourse or tax policy or healthcare legislation.

It’s about MONEY. Pure and simple. Benghazi is a cash cow for these folks and they are milking it for everything its worth.