
Onion Talks: The Power of Selling Out Your Customers

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus12/13/2012 7:41:13 pm PST

The latest Erickson rant is just one more bit of evidence that the GOP coalition tri-ad that they’ve worked since Reagan is finally manifesting its own long-prognosticated demise.

Right now the thing holding together the various pieces of “Republican” is that they are all reactionary and can borrow tactics as such from each other. The militarists/hawks are more the willing to spend money, and even the religious activists are willing to spend money as long as it’s not on abortion or anything to do with sex. The Randian neo-confederates, though, are still hung up on the 16th Amendment.

Erickson will not, I propose, ever admit that building a society, as we’ve come to expect of one, requires public expenditures.