
Bill Nye: Creationism Is Not Appropriate for Children

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam8/25/2012 1:44:14 am PDT

re: #463 Mich-again

My favorite part about Mitt’s dive into birtherism isn’t what Rmoney said, its what the akinfolk who actually spent time off work on a beautiful Michigan Summer Friday to go to a Mitt Romney rally instead of going up North, hanging out on a boat, playing hooky, etc said. More please.

Susan Cardel, 51, said she thought Romney’s comment was “hysterical.”

“That is still a big issue, isn’t it?” Cardel said. “I think it is, that Obama wasn’t born in America. I think Romney was just making a statement. He wasn’t trying to be mean or anything.”

Jim Gorcya, 72, said he read Romney’s comment as a suggestion that Obama’s birth certificate is not real.

“Obama doesn’t have one,” Gorcya said. “He wasn’t born here, and he can’t find his.”

This, ladies and gentlemen, proves that some people are just plain unteachable. Once they get a wrong idea in their heads, nothing short of full-on deprogramming will knock it loose.

How many times have the media shown Obama’s birth certificate? How many people have publicly vouched that he is a US-born citizen? Still, these knuckleheads hold on to the idea that there’s no valid cert and Obama is foreign-born.

Heaven forbid that Romney, who wants to be leader of a world superpower, might just come out and tell people, “Look, he’s a natural born citizen. For real. Give it a rest.”