
Jazz Supergroup: Redman Mehldau McBride Blade, "Father"

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)6/02/2020 7:31:52 am PDT

re: #478 lawhawk

Cotton’s going on about needing to crack down on protests, as though it will somehow stop the police brutality (which is only further exposed by these very crackdowns).

It’s self sustaining at this point. Every day brings new examples of police brutality, excessive and deadly force being used by cops because they feel they can get away with it and because it appears sanctioned from Trump on down.

I’m seeing an interesting split in the various gun owner/collector folks I know with recent events, especially last night. While many are, perhaps not so strangely, silent right now a number of them are pretty upset by this. And a few are in the Tom Cotton camp, generally the ones I expected to be vocal in that regard.