
Overnight Open Thread

gymmom2/27/2009 5:48:38 am PST

re: #455 Chicago Blonde

I’m now grateful Mother Blonde taught me how to head for clearance racks, scarf up Christmas items on December 26th, and the like. Good thing - I had a consumer ed class in high school, and they didn’t talk about day-to-day stuff like coupons, buying clothes off-season etc. Most kids just aren’t getting it now.

Gymdad and I are comfortable and it is more difficult to pass on frugality when your kids friends think money grows on trees. When they were in preschool I bought stuff from the used store. I was still working and we were even more comfortable. But who wants to buy new clothes for the kids to paint on?! But there were kids who wore new designer clothes with regularity and they were not “wealthy”. Have had to implement the new policy: they pay for all nonessentials. I fear they will not be able to earn as good a living with the way things are headed.