
The Mainstreaming of Ron Paul

Salamantis5/08/2009 6:46:21 am PDT

re: #479 Acidtrash

Well no I wouldn’t vote for Le Penn nor would I vote BNP. I use “we” in the collectivist context. Personally I am a Conservative in exile. I will vote for the conservative party when it starts being a conservative party and not “Blue Labour”.

And there you are, assuming that all voters for the BNP are intrinsically racist. It aint so. Like I say, its a racist party but it is no longer a racist vote. It is blowback for having a right wing party that has drifted away from the founding ideologies, the idologies which incidentally kept Mrs Thatcher in power longer than any other Prime Minister.

If you label those the GOP has betrayed by becoming the right witng of the big government partyas kooks and extremists then you will lose them and the Paulists will grow. They are holding their noses as they vote for the alternative.

You may see the GOP as the lesser of two evils and on a surface level, perhaps I might agree but then looking at the cumulative damage big, intrusive government has done, combined with transnationalism and high taxes, I would venture that the mainstream is easily on a par.

If one is voting for an openly racist party, one is condoning their racism by supporting them despite it - which, pragmatically, counts at the polls just as much as someone supporting them because of it.

George Orwell once spoke just before WW II of peace marchers being objectively pro-fascist, because they were helping the fascist cause. The same thing goes for those who vote for a racist party; they are objectively pro-racist.

You can try to sugarcoat that turd all you want, but a bite out of it will still taste like shit.