
Overnight Open Thread

livefreeor die3/06/2009 5:04:53 am PST

re: #479 christheprofessor

I posted about this on a late thread the other day, so I thought I’d mention it on a morning thread…

I was playing around on the internet a couple of weeks ago and looking up my lineage. I found out the name of my great-great-great granfather, who had died in the Civil War (he had been in a Confederate POW camp) but I had no idea where. So, I sent off to NY for a copy of his military service record. The indicated that he died in New Orleans in 1864.

I did more searching and, after an e-mail, was able to find out that he is buried at the Chalmette National Cemetary. The nice lady (a park ranger, I believe) who pointed me to the list of the 14,000 Union dead buried there was very helpful. In fact, I e-mailed her and asked if I could get a digital pic of his headstone. She indicated that the cemetary and national park it is in is under repair at the moment (Katrina damage) but that when she can, she will go snap one and e-mail it to me…

How cool is that?

Very cool. It’s amazing how much the internet has facilitated genealogy searches.