
What About Some Liberal Cuts To Government Spending?

Birth Control Works11/28/2012 10:21:40 am PST

re: #484 CuriousLurker

re: #478 Holidays are Family Fun Time

Jesus’ (a.s.) mother Mary (a.s.), being single & pregnant with him, probably would’ve also drawn the righteous ire of people like Beck & Co. No doubt she would’ve been a candidate for slut shaming as well. Excuse me while I step away for a moment as I think my head is getting ready to explode…

IIRC, she was “betrothed” to Joseph. Rules were a bit different about such things back then. We have no idea, really, what the situation was. My personal belief is that Jesus was Joseph’s son. To save face for Joseph, every said Mary was a slut for G-d.