
Creationist Governor Featured Speaker at RNC Meeting

Russkilitlover7/21/2009 12:48:11 pm PDT

re: #462 Dianna

That wasn’t my question. I’m at least cursorily familiar with the mechanisms of the Fed. My question was about your word choices, specifically “artificially block inflation.”

Surely, one either curbs inflation (slays it and stomps it flat, in my view) or one doesn’t.

The Fed can, for a time, keep a lid on interest rates. Can’t do it for very long because that inflation will escape like a gaseous cloud. But by keeping interest rates “artificially” low for a while, it will give the appearance that the economy is more stable than it is. Once a recovery begins or is in full swing; however, interest rates will have to rise (probably exponentially) in order to rein in inflation.