
Seth Meyers Continues Doing Amazing Work: Donald Trump Warned Us About Himself

Dr Lizardo5/19/2017 11:07:18 am PDT

re: #478 BeachDem

JFC, AP—it’s NINE fucking days, not BEHEMOTH or GRUELING or DIFFICULT—he’s supposedly the president, not a pre-schooler:

Even before Trump’s trip morphed from a quick jaunt to Europe into a nine-day behemoth, White House aides were on edge about how the president would take to grueling pressures of foreign travel: the time zone changes, the unfamiliar hotels, the local delicacies. Two officials said they feared that a difficult trip might even lead the president to hand off future traveling duties to Vice President Mike Pence.

Someone over here in Europe needs to give Trump a can of surströmming.
