
Holder to Appoint Prosecutor for CIA Terror Investigations

Norm Chumpsky8/24/2009 2:03:12 pm PDT

An internal CIA report says interrogators threatened to kill 9/11 suspect’s children.

Wee-wee-wee all the way home…

First of all I doubt it, but if it’s true so what? I don’t care how much they scared them, or threatened them, or if they made them poop their pants thinking about some SEAL team paying a visit to the ‘ol homestead/cave. We’re not talking about a purse snatcher you can scare with talk about doing time, these are people that really would, and did, kill children and if it takes the threat of atrocities to make ‘em talk so be it. As long as we aren’t actually committing them I don’t care what an interrogator said.