
Glenn Beck Refuses to Define 'White Culture'

mccainiac5039/25/2009 9:02:27 am PDT

Charles, I don’t get your assault on Glenn Beck. I really don’t. I’ve read Beck’s “Common Sense” and I’ve read “The 5000 Year Leap” and found them both to be very good studies in the ideas the founding fathers debated and not remotely racist. Sorry, I don’t see it. You’d have me believing he’s David Duke and his books are the equivalent of the “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”. Beck is really enemy #1? Seriously? Is Glenn Beck building nuclear weapons and publicly stating he wants to eliminate Israel?

Further, I will grant you that Beck does a poor job of acquitting himself in the Couric interview. What he should have said was, “I made a poor choice of words — but I stand by my original point… just what did Obama mean when he said he white grandmother was TYPICAL? Why didn’t the media ask him to explain his characterization of his grandmother as typical? Why didn’t the media hammer him more when he characterized some Americans as clinging to religion and guns?”

I know that Charles probably agrees that Obama’s grandmother was a typical white person and that many Americans are bitter gun and Bible clingers. But I for one agree with Glenn Beck that I’m troubled when the President of the United States makes such comments and reveals himself to be a man with a chip on his shoulder and an axe to grind. If anything, Obama should be telling the story of how his birth parents all but abandoned him and his typical white grandparents saw to it that he got the best education you can buy in Honolulu. Just as Obama is footing a very large tuition bill so that Sasha and Malia can attend the best elite secondary schools in the DC area.

But I guess I’m just a racist and I need a pious person like Charles to help me see the light. Thank you Charles for exposing all the closet racists in our society. Mr. Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center should put you on the payroll. Meanwhile, the Middle East will explode in a giant mushroom cloud.

You know, come to think of it, our nation looked past segregation and racism and united as one to focus on the much bigger enemy during World War II. No doubt, we’ll have to focus on the real threats in the world again very soon and stop all this BS back and forth about who’s a racist and who’s not. Ahmedinenutjob hates us all: blacks, whites, Jews, Christians, straight or gay, purple, yellow, red… whatever you are they hate us all.