
Religious Caveman Bryan Fischer Fantasizes About Spankings From God

stabby1/10/2013 10:24:24 am PST

re: #279 Romantic Heretic

Well, not all super religious people are that way. But for these people their religion is just an excuse. They pretty much started off less generous, more greedy and hating their neighbors more. They also know that attitude is frowned upon. But by tying their weaknesses to God (Allah to Zeus, take your pick) they now have an excuse to act the way they do.

Actually any ideology will fill this need. Capitalism, Communism, The Second Amendment, etc. ad nauseum, will do.

I’m sorry but about 1/4 of the country is BOTH super religious AND bigoted granny starvers. If there was no correlation between the two, then MOST of the population would have to be bigoted granny starvers. Since there isn’t the there must be a greater joint probability. Look, in SOME WAY being ultra-religious in the United States is correlated with not giving the slightest fuck about other people.