
The Dark Forces Empowered by Donald Trump: Hate Rising, by Jorge Ramos

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷10/31/2016 3:24:23 am PDT

I just finished Mr. Ramos’s film.


I want to believe that the majority of the country is not like those depicted in the film. I hope I am correct.

Considering where I live (NE-3), the amazing amount of Trump support here doesn’t seem to square with the message of anti-immigration and anti-Muslim sentiment he projects. The people in my little corner of the Sandhills seem to be simply supporting the “Make America Great Again” idea he promotes, without realising or understanding that America is already great.

It does need to build on its greatness on the planks of hate and racism.

The Republicans own this: They built this with their Southern Strategy, with Nixon and Reagan and all those who seek to divide rather than unite.

There is a fellow in the county seat that flies the Dixie Swastika from his home (in Nebraska). It has been there as long as I have lived here. When did the Nebraska Panhandle become part of the Confederacy?