
Some Democrats Are Trying to Convince Themselves Pence Would Be a Better President

ObserverArt3/09/2017 11:59:02 am PST

re: #17 lawhawk

The only way in which Pence is better than Trump is that he’s reliably awful and evil with an efficiency that Trump knows nothing of. We know he’s going to impose all those extreme right wing and Christian theological laws that deprive minorities their rights - and with ruthless efficiency.

Trump is awful and evil and unreliable in anything he says or does.

From a foreign policy standpoint, you want reliability, so a guy in a coma is preferred to Trump who’s contemplated using nukes despite his advisers saying that’d be a bad idea.

But back to Pence.

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This fucker is still trying to defend Trump as though Trump is going to help small businesses. There is absolutely nothing in either man’s background that suggests they’d help small businesses. Not their opposition to Obamacare, which gives people a chance to change jobs or get covered easier. Not their opposition to higher wages which can help businesses retain workers (and reduces churn and costs to train). Not the fact that Trump’s entire business history is littered with stiffing small businesses or suing small businesses that do business with Trump enterprises.

Trump has done nothing to help workers. He cares only of enriching himself, and his fortune was based on an inheritance (and daddy bailing him out, along with a variety of banks and creative accountants and tax lawyers).

Want to help small businesses…actually ALL businesses in America?

Go single payer.

Business would hold a holiday.

Think of what single payer, national healthcare would do for business and how that would free-up so much time and effort, etc.