
White House Meeting Scheduled for Beer O'Clock

restitutor orbis7/30/2009 10:11:31 am PDT

Crowley should have ducked out. There is no need for reconciliation. That racist committed a crime, and was arrested for it. This is all just a photo op to improve Barry’s image. I have a feeling that the only reconciliation will be a subtle demand for an apology. Gates will make a face saving apology, and Crowley will be taught the error of his ways. then Barry can look like the hero. Gates as well. Instead of that vile racist shitbag being publicly shamed for his acts, he will be vindicated. And Barry gets off insulting an entire profession. And the whole thing gets wrapped up in a non-judgemental, everyone-is-at-fault (but we all know who the real villian is, wink wink) manner.