
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): 'Biblically Qualified to Be President'

moderatelyradicalliberal12/31/2011 1:41:44 pm PST

re: #34 publicityStunted

Wouldn’t you, after seeing this picture? :P (and yes, I know this is the third time I’ve posted it…but there is no better visual symbol for the douchebaggitude that is Romney. For a bonus auditory assault, look at it while a megawatt stereo system blares “Eye of the Tiger”).

Every Obama reelection ad should have this picture at the end. It should be drilled into the American psyche. It will be especially effective if Willard keeps refusing to release his tax filings, which he now says he will consider doing after he’s been elected president.

Image: 1182777539_1275.jpg

Can you say rich entitled prick? They look like the Bad Boy records crew from the 1990s. Dolla, dolla bill, ya’ll! Seriously, P-Diddy probably thinks this is classless.