
USADA to Strip Lance Armstrong of 7 Tour De France Titles

Birth Control Works8/24/2012 8:19:37 am PDT

re: #490 kirkspencer

C/C laws have little to no discernible impact on homicides or crime rates. There are studies that say they do, there are studies that say they don’t. Most of the studies that say they do have problems when the year range is extended: they tend to pick an abnormally high year as their start point and do not normalize against non-C/C localities.

How does disarming the law-abiding affect the crime rate? I’ve never understood this.

In Chicago, there Hand Guns are not legal, no ccw, yet there are still a high murder rate with handguns.

So, if people don’t follow the law, (and/or it isn’t actively enforced) What good is the law?

Criminals don’t follow the law.