
Tuesday Morning Open

lawhawk4/07/2009 12:31:25 pm PDT

So, President Obama’s speech in Iraq today called on Iraqis to take on more responsibility. Funny thing about that.

Since the Surge started, Iraqis have been doing the heavy lifting, and doing more of it than ever. Nearly the entire country has been handed over to the Iraqis whereas just a few short months ago, the US military was still doing the hard work. Had Obama had his way based on his campaign rhetoric, we would have cut and run before the Iraqis could ever take on the heavy lifting or responsibility because he would have thrown the nation into chaos with a precipitous and deadly decision that would have given terrorists and insurgents free reign while curtailing the one power that could stop it - the US military.

On the flip side, the military did give him a warm welcome. I was mildly surprised by that, since Obama’s policy positions aren’t exactly pro-military.