
Now Can We Call Them 'Teabaggers?'

Nimed5/06/2010 12:08:17 am PDT

re: #492 LudwigVanQuixote

Dude the real epilepsy comes if you read their comments. Be warned, it is like entering a twisted mirror world where people actually think Palin as super smart and Rush is not racist. It is a dimension of demented.

re: #495 JasonA

Ever gather the courage to listen to their podcasts?

I’m really trying guys, but I can’t make progress. The stoopid is too thick, and I’m stuck at the outer layers. One post title, about LGF and Arizona, is entitled “Pequeos Balones de Ftbol Verde” - “verde” is green singular. This sounds something like “Little balls of green soccer” to somebody who understands Spanish.