
How It's Done

Lidane11/08/2012 8:50:23 am PST

Freepers weigh in on Puerto Rican statehood:

Great! Then we’ll just need six more!!

Great idea. 3 million more socialist voters in the voting booths.

2 more Rat Senators and another 1 million Rat votes, and 3 million more on the dole, what could go wrong?

Puerto Ricans pay U.S. taxes, not in Obama’s America.
They will trade voting for dimocRATS for taxes.

Who care what THEY want, don’t we here in the lower 48, Alaska and Hawaii get to say about this? I vote NO.

Puerto Rico has a Republican gov. The one thing I dislike about FR is the constant bashing of Hispanics. There are many of us who are Conservatives, and many more who have served this country honorably in the military.

They just voted out a Governor in Luis Fortuno who completely turned around their economy. He did a Scott Walker and then some, has almost eliminated a $3.3 billion deficit, unbelievable economic growth and investment, bond rating up from junk status. Opponent portryed him as a greedy, out of touch, rich, businessman and beat him. Sound familiar? Pass on statehood.

Can we make Israel a state?…. with 120 electoral votes?

It’s not about votes.. It’s about 0bama getting the excuse he needs to CHANGE OUR FLAG. I’m thinking the color ‘yellow’ is top on his list. Bye bye old glory. Phase II of the grand Socialist transformation. Will probably have his ‘O’ or his picture on it, too.

More socialists? Is that what we want?

Now, isn’t that just ducky.

A whole state of welfare recipients.

What could go wrong?

Heck yes, we need Puerto Rico as another state. Then Cuba, Mexico and a few African states - just as long as we don’t get stuck with more of those constitution loving white people.

Oh, and load up on more dope smoking homosexuals too… lots of ‘em.

AND, female with breathing vaginas…. I just learned on FR that those even exist, so I’m down for more breathing vaginas… I just don’t want them to talk.

No, I am not racist, but today - I’m starting to feel a wee bit “racist leaning”.

Gee. Can’t imagine why the GOP has a problem getting Latino votes.