
Pseudo Historian David Barton: "Gays want to be dominant"

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈7/29/2013 3:45:29 pm PDT

re: #2 Bulworth

So, it seems, in one breath the anti-marriage zealots claim that SSM will “destroy the family”.

On this other hand, though, they seem to be saying that it really isn’t SSM that bothers them, it’s that even if SSM is allowed, THE GAY WILL KEEP COMING BACK WANTING MORE AND MORE….

Not sure what the threat in that is supposed to be but thanks for playing wingnuts…

It’s standard Christianist projection. If you give the Christianist theocrats an inch, they’ll take a mile; This leads them to believe that equal rights for gay people will lead to sending the Christians to camps.