
Awesome Fusion Jazz on a "Hello Kitty" Toy Piano: Tigran Hamasyan, "Vardavar" (Live in the Mountains)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷9/13/2020 6:01:35 pm PDT

In the regional newspaper, they have an article about why you should not set up autopay for recurring bills.

It turns out in July, the City of Gering, Nebr. city-owned electric company had seventeen meters fail, causing massive bills to people (as much as $25,000 dinged off one person’s credit card). That person is still trying to straighten out their credit card and credit report.

Another person noted they get all bills by paper, and got a $17,000 electric bill. They were able to fix it in a couple minutes at the city office.

Gering is now going through and checking everyone’s meters.