
Obama defends ground zero mosque plans

captdiggs8/13/2010 7:25:53 pm PDT

re: #3

Is it the “right” thing to do to protest so loudly about this particular project, when there would most likely be absolutely no protest whatsoever over a project by anybody else?

“right” in this case is always going to be subjective.
But the argument “no protest whatsoever over a project by anybody else” ignores the facts surrounding this particular location.
The WTC crater was not caused by *radical* Quakers, Jews, Catholics, Liquor store owners, pre-school operators, pharmacists, etc.

Again, no one is really challenging it on constitutional grounds.
Most ( per CNN’s poll yesterday, 70% of the nation) object to the location and only the location because of the history of the site. Had the proponents of the mosque/Islamic center chosen a site one mile north, no one would care and this would not be an issue at all.

If you care to look at the news, there is a similar problem with a Casino operator wanting to build a casino next to the Gettysburg battlefield that is running into nearly the same opposition locally. It’s not based on hatred of gamblers.