
How Far Has Mississippi Come?

Slap2/17/2011 12:42:03 pm PST

It’s a good question.

From Look Magazine, January 1956 and January 1957, note the details within the articles. Look at the terminology used by the interviewees and subjects of the stories. Read about both the blatant and the subterranean attitudes.

Remember that this is “only” 50 years ago.

The laws and opportunities have changed, for sure. Sadly, I hear echoes of the words and attitudes every day. Sometimes, observing the political ridiculousness around us, I’m startled by how similar some of today’s rhetoric sounds to this 50 year old tripe.

This episode is a deep, abiding stain on Mississippi that doesn’t seem to get entirely eradicated. Clearly, it won’t be denounced by the guv.

Emmett Till: The Shocking Story of Approved Killing in Mississippi (Look Magazine, January 1956)

What Happened to the Emmett Till Killers? (Look Magazine, January 1957)

I understand that this was a different world, a different time. I don’t understand how the changes in our world and lives in the last half century haven’t eradicated the attitudes that still exist.

For anyone unfamiliar with this disgusting episode, I recommend these articles.