
FBI Teaches Agents: 'Mainstream' Muslims Are 'Violent, Radical'

Scottish Dragon9/15/2011 9:08:03 am PDT

I suppose that explains what happened to Shoshana Hebshi this last Sunday. She was grabbed by a SWAT team on a airline, handcuffed and dragged off without anything resembling probable cause or even an acknowldgement that she was under arrest. This was for the crime of sitting next to a man who went to the bathroom while being brown skinned. She was asked if she was hiding explosives. She was asked if she spoke English. An agent forced her to strip, and then searched her vaginal and rectal cavities for…whatever. The passwords to her social media were demanded by FBI interrogators. All of her family and friend information was demanded. At no time was she allowed to see a lawyer, nor was she told what rights she may or may not have. She was treated just like what the FBI manual encourages their agents to treat people who look Muslim.

She is an American Jew who sat between two Indian men who had to go to the bathroom while flying.

Bib laden won. He may be dead and rotting at sea, but he sure as hell got his wish of an America that shredded her Constitution and launched into a generational war of civilizations.