
Santorum Accuses Obama Of 'Elitist Snobbery' For Wanting Every Child To Go To College

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin1/07/2012 5:36:11 pm PST

There are far more reasons to go to college/school than just makin munny.

Black people have known this for generations, which is why half of civil rights was fought for access to education, from elementary (Brown vs Board of Ed.) to high school, e.g. Little Rock Nine, to higher ed (several precedents to Brown.)

I know, though, this in itself is an “elitist” attitude of mine. Well, I’m damn proud to be an elitist, if that is the case.

“Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave.” - F. Douglass, guess he’s an “elitist”, too e_e lol