
Netanyahu Strikes Tough Tone on Possible Iran Strike

SanFranciscoZionist11/06/2012 10:54:42 am PST

re: #3 ckkatz

One big negative is that the issue will begin to be directly tied to him. Which could cause others to back away from supporting an otherwise important position. That is, it could become a polarizing rather than uniting issue. I suspect that after his UN appearance, he became quieter on the issue in an attempt to forestall that close association.

And of course, the timing of both the Netanyahu interview, and the New York Times article could be seen to have US directed political overtones.

This is my biggest concern. This is a HUGE and multifaceted problem, and I’m concerned that it’s becoming the ‘Bibi has a bee in his bonnet’ issue. It becomes very easy for people to dismiss at that point.