
On Vampire Capitalism and the Fear of Inoculation: Why efforts to contain disease are often seen as conspiracies to sell vaccine

Dark_Falcon12/28/2012 11:25:58 am PST

re: #3 Holidays are Family Fun Time

I think it is correct to observe we have confused an economic system with the myriad of other “systems” necessary to maintain society.

Be that as it may, this piece is very poor. Bliss talks about how “The understanding that capital can itself be toxic leads, almost inevitably, to a fear of capitalism polluting every endeavor.”, but she has not made the case for that simply by an very incomplete description of the house crisis. The WHO example she cites does not bolster her case, and her talk about language and ‘Declaring a metaphorical war on a disease’ ignores history and the nature of government. An epidemic of dangerous disease is sometimes linked to war, but this is due less to matters of ethics expression and more to its practical effects:

1. Given the dangers of public panic and the real possible need for quarantine, a major epidemic might well require the domestic deployment of the military to maintain order, which is not something the US or Canadian governments do normally, and in fact are barred from doing except in extraordinary circumstances.

2. Expanding further on #1, an epidemic is case where it is generally accepted that a government has additional powers available it normally may not exercise. Thus a government might demand that firm cease producting cosmetics or non-vital medical equipment and order it to produce medicines or medical supplies that are needed right away. Government can also restrict travel and order rationing, both of which are actions only doable otherwise in case of natural disaster or war.

Thus Sontag’s argument does not make Bliss’ case, as alternative explanations exist that Sontag does not deal with in the passage. Thus, as she has laid out nothing conclusive, Bliss does not have grounds to conclude as she does. Her article is a sloppy hatchet job.

And please don’t post sources Bliss doesn’t use then try to say her case is strong, because I am dealing with her case as she wrote it, and by that measure her case is very weak.