
Magick Dies Hard: Pentateuchal Delusions, Creationists, and is Biologos Peeing Into The Wind?

Destro12/31/2012 5:16:55 pm PST

re: #3 Russell Gmirkin

Thank you for taking note of my book, Berossus and Genesis, Manetho and Exodus: Hellenistic Histories and the Date of the Pentateuch (New York-London: T & T Clark International, 2006). Neil Godfrey is doing a nice job of summarizing the arguments I present there. But for the record it is not necessary to address me as “Dr.” Gmirkin — Mr. Gmirkin will do nicely.

Best regards (and thanks anyway),
Russell E. Gmirkin

“Now, I’m not convinced by Dr. Gmirkin and Mr. Godfrey that the Pentateuch was necessarily originally written in Ptolemaic Alexandria, but if those ‘Books of Moses’ didn’t originate there then they certainly were seriously redacted at that time and place.”

You magnificent bastard! I read your book!