
Warren: Drug Possession Warrants Jail Time but Laundering Cartel Money Doesn't?

EiMitch3/07/2013 6:10:41 pm PST

Why weren’t HSBC executives prosecuted? Because then regulations wouldn’t allow HSBC to continue to exist within America. And its too big to fail.

My question is: since we’re just selectively enforcing laws laws based on convenience anyway, why not instead prosecute these white-collar mobsters and then choose not to enforce regulations that would’ve revoked HSBC’s banking license?

See? It doesn’t take that much imagination to get the best of both worlds.

I swear, the only reason people still like Obama is because the Republican opposition is nuttier than a Planter’s factory and more venomous than a Black Mamba. If Democrats still had somewhat sane competition with half-a-brain, 2013 would’ve began much differently.