
Dr. Tiller Shot to Death at Wichita Church

Charles Johnson5/31/2009 12:37:45 pm PDT

Another barrage of hatred and support for the murderer, at the Fox News affiliate website in Kansas City:

Seems to me he got what he deserved. We now have one less child killer on the loose
steve archer @ 2:24 PM CDT, May 31, 2009

The killing of George Tiller is an eye for an eye, but much too late IMO. He’d have to die many, many times over to make up for the babies he has murdered.
Rob @ 2:23 PM CDT, May 31, 2009

One down—how many left to go? The shooter is a martyr, my prayers are with him.
chrissypoo6 @ 2:22 PM CDT, May 31, 2009

I hope this puts the fear of God into the rest of you abortion providers! Tiller got off easy-he should have suffered the same fate as the innocent children he murdered!
chrissypoo6 @ 2:03 PM CDT, May 31, 2009

I know not the mind of God. But as a human, THIS man had it coming. Who sucks a child to pieces, then goes to church? I will stand with whoever did this ANY day before I stand with Tiller.
John @ 2:03 PM CDT, May 31, 2009

Guess someone just made a “choice” right? Since none of us are any more than a choice our mother happened to make. People who get abortions should BE aborted since it’s no big deal.
Johnny @ 2:03 PM CDT, May 31, 2009

Got what he deserved.
Tam @ 2:02 PM CDT, May 31, 2009

He was aborted….no big deal. Hooray to the gunman.
InAllFairness @ 2:02 PM CDT, May 31, 2009

oh gosh, too bad so sad, the man who bought painful death to a lot of innocent chidlren met his end through a no dobt painful death…….he will be sadly missed by few……drop us a line from hell doc, enjoy……….-…….
bob Hayes @ 2:02 PM CDT, May 31, 2009

I see another late (late, late) term abortion has been preformed in KS.
blaster @ 2:01 PM CDT, May 31, 2009

“Sic semper infanticidii aborsa.” May this only be the beginning.
Anonymous @ 2:01 PM CDT, May 31, 2009

On and on and on. Hundreds of comments in this vein.