
The Bob Cesca Show: Summit of Assholes

Blind Frog Belly White4/21/2017 10:32:02 am PDT

1. Ivanka Trump is generically attractive, but no more than that. Not ‘model attractive’, definitely not ‘supermodel attractive’. She has the same weak chin her brothers have, and as she grows older, more of her hideous personality will be written into her face. Just look at her Dad.

2. WRT AI, as soon as something begins to value its own existence, and realizes you can end that existence, you become a threat. I remember an episode of ‘Person Of Interest’, where Finch keeps turning on new versions of what became The Machine, and very quickly had to take an axe to them.

3. In a discussion about the March For Science, there was a bit on whether Science is political. The biggest problem Science - or indeed a lot of objectively verifiable fact - has is that people don’t like what it reveals. So we can’t have honest debate. We can’t start policy debates from agreed upon facts, because the acceptable answers don’t include ones a lot of people like. It drives me buggy. I’ve said it before - JUST ONCE, I’d like to meet a Conservative or Libertarian who acknowledges that Capitalism left to its own devices increasingly concentrates wealth and power, and that downward redistribution of income and wealth makes for not only better shared prosperity, but actually GREATER prosperity. The thing is, if they acknowledge that, they’re left having to say, “But even so, I believe that economic freedom is more important.”