
The Only Confederate Flag We Ever Need to Remember

b_sharp4/10/2015 12:33:52 pm PDT

re: #417 Blind Frog Belly White

When my wife first started on antidepressant meds, some of her friends told her they were afraid that they would change her. She said, “I sure hope so!”

Her friends didn’t have to live in her head, with the anxiety and depression that she’s always excelled at not showing.

I just tried an experiment with my meds. I take Effexor and Celexa as antidepressants (they don’t work well for that) and in order to deal with anger. I’m tired of them making me tired and unmotivated so I stopped taking them a week ago. I’m now more motivated, but I’m also quicker to anger and far more likely to act on that anger. I’ve restarted my Celexa because it’s just an SSRI where Effexor is an SNRI, to see what effects it has on my motivation and/or anger.

I find that even though I am well aware of my anger, without the meds I respond to events that shouldn’t cause anger with anger & that acting on the anger means people & pets around me are possibly in danger.

I won’t hit members of my family, but if you aren’t in my family, look out.

Next up is to drop the Celexa and restart Effexor to see if the anger is reduced and the motivation/energy stays high. If I can’t get away from the anger without feeling lethargic and tired, I’m not sure what to do.

Go kill a punching bag every day perhaps.