
Creationist Governor Bobby Jindal Is Calling Other People "Stupid" Again

calochortus1/25/2013 11:52:32 am PST

From FR comments on Jindal’s speech:

You mean stop being perceived as the Stupid Party. There are plenty of scientists, doctors, engineers and successful businessmen in the GOP. We have to find a way to attack their stronghold, intellectualism, and show that there is much more to life and happiness and that mere knowledge is not the cure-all. In fact, too much knowledge, is toxic and leads to mental illness and eventually insanity in a brain where there is no wisdom or sense of balance. We also need to add a lot more youth and 20 and 30 somethings to the base. Love can be a unifying force and people will always gravitate to it when it is genuine.

14 posted on Fri Jan 25 07:22:22 2013 by jsanders2001
(bolding mine)

‘Nuff said.