
Obama's Hardball Interview: Snowden Identified Areas of Concern, but Coverage Is "Sensationalized"

lawhawk12/06/2013 10:05:13 am PST

re: #497 Lord of the Pies

$1.3 billion to enrich the Bridge Troll and others who have swooped in to buy up properties awaiting whatever government largess comes flowing their way. But in the meantime they’ll sit on their hands and let their properties decline.

“Economic freedom zone” means essentially a ramped up economic development zone credit, where there’s lower tax rates, subsidies, etc., to encourage businesses to locate/relocate, and job incentives.

All of which Detroit is doing or has done in the past.

Empowerment Zone Tax Incentives
Industrial Facilities Tax Incentives
Neighborhood Enterprise Zone (NEZ) Tax Incentives
New Personal Property Tax Incentives
Obsolete Property Rehabilitation (OPRA) Tax Incentives
Renewal Community Tax Incentives
Detroit Renaissance Zone Tax Incentives