
Far Right Militia "Occupies" Federal Wildlife Refuge Headquarters

Pawn of the Oppressor1/03/2016 9:27:58 am PST

I wonder of Obama woke up to this morning’s briefing and did the “Aw Geez Not This Shit Again” meme face.

It’s not a good position to be in, because any heavy-handed response will give these hate-addled shitbirds a cause. I’ve been saying if Hillary wins we’re going to be seeing this times 20, and these guys are just getting an early start, but that doesn’t mean provoking the war now.

On the other hand, I feel like if armed losers want to join their little gun-in, let them. Provide free transportation for anybody going IN. Don’t let anybody come OUT. I feel this way about ISIS too. Want to go join them? Here’s a free plane ticket, we’d like you all in one place for the cleanup.

It really wouldn’t take much for this to end like Waco. As much as I’d like to see this lunatic fringe Cleansed from the Earth to Bother Us No More, and as much as that would show equal treatment under the law vs. people of color being killed for a tenth as much, it might be less bloody for everybody in the long run to just starve these losers out and throw the book at them when they quit.