
The Texas Taliban

TedStriker3/03/2010 12:48:06 pm PST

re: #47 RogueOne

This is what happens when you live in a society with a 1st amendment guarantee of free speech. They are entitled to spout whatever nonsense they feel like just like we’re entitled to make fun of them for those same views. Calling them the american taliban is going a bit far. Picketing businesses and enterprises we disagree with is an american tradition. When they start dragging people into the streets and beheading them for violating what they consider their religious duties then you can call them taliban. Don’t lessen the term.

I respectfully disagree with your assessment, Rogue…the only thing that keeps the Texas Taliban (Repent Amarillo) from acting like the real thing is the fact they’re not in charge of the country and they know they’d wind up in the hoosegow for a long time if they ever tried anything more overt than what they are doing.

A major difference (at this point) between the Repent Amarillo assclowns and psychotic killers, such as Scott Roeder and Eric Rudolph, that wore the cloak of religion in attempting to justify their heinous acts is that the RA assclowns apparently prefer life on the outside over being a martyr for “the cause”…