
Instantaneous Outrageous Outrage: 'Obama Sides with Palestinians!'

gwlaw995/19/2011 3:14:55 pm PDT

“No matter how you choose to define the “1967 lines,” the fact is that the Green Line is essentially Israel’s border today. The only part that wasn’t within the Green Line is East Jerusalem, and this is clearly the reason for the statements about mutually agreed land swaps.

The most important point is that none of this is remotely new, or shocking, or outrageous. Obama merely restated the position the US has held for years.”

I am not quibling with Obama. I am quibling with your misunderstanding of the meaning of land swaps and the meaning of thethe Green line which is not “essentially” Israel’s border — that is the whole crux of the issue. When Palestinians refer to the green line or the 1967 border, they explicitly mean the removal of hundreds of thousands of Israelis from towns just over the green line the west bank. Towns where no Palestinian has ever lived nor was ever part of any arab country. So it is important to undestand that land swaps refers to keeping the Israeli towns just over the green line in exchange for land that is on the Israeli side of the green line. It really has nothing to do with Jerusalem which is another issue entirely.