
The Republican Modus Tollens - Logic, Facts, and Policies

(I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)9/25/2011 3:20:37 am PDT

re: #515 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

I keep asking you, which times in the past have you in such a state this evening? You keep bringing that up as an issue, not me.

Dude, it’s pretty obvious. Go through some recent threads, find the ones where you got a lot of downdings. Usually about your fallacies concerning false generalizations of conservatives. You will see.

But I am glad to see you finally acknowledging that this ridiculous exchange had little to do with DF at all.

I acknowledged no such thing. But I am amused that you still need to make stuff up. It proves you are not willing or able to deal with the actual objection.

I’ve asked several times, now, in several different ways, now. If you only have venting in place of an answer, just say so, and I’ll stop asking.

lol, maybe we should get into your emotional issues. What is this you not comprehending the very easy stuff I write really about?