
Feel Larry Goldings' Pain: CPAC National Anthem FAIL

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷2/28/2021 9:51:59 pm PST

re: #48 Targetpractice

Like I said last night, the entire screed he gives could just as easily be used to argue for bans on alcohol and tobacco. It’s one long “WON’T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE KIDS?!” whine that “moral guardians” think is all they need to win an argument.

We have two states within ninety miles of our house with legal weed (Colorado and South Dakota, though Kristi Noem is using state tax money to fund a private lawsuit to overturn the referendum there, using the same rubric that was used to overturn the medical cannabis referendum here: It covers more than one subject—growing, transportation, possession, and use were considered separate subjects by our state supreme court).

Wyoming is moving to make weed legal (legislation failed, so a referendum petition is making the rounds there; if it passes, we’ll be surrounded on three sides by states with legal maryjane).

There’s some complaining about the Virginia bill over legalisation not happening until 2024, but such things as regulation and taxation take some time to set up; they don’t magically fall out of a ballot box.