
Turkey's State Science Council Halts Publication of Evolution Books

darthstar1/14/2013 5:29:44 pm PST

Update on day 1 of job searching…

10:00am - activated resume on
10:30am - call from recruiter
11:00am - email from second recruiter while walking dogs on beach
11:15am - spoke with second recruiter about opportunity
11:30am - sent copy of resume to second recruiter
2:30pm - recruiter calls me back to confirm phone screen with company…his exact words were, “Holy cow, that was fast.” Spent most of the rest of the day researching the company, downloading PDF files and looking at their demo slides to understand what they do, and figuring out how to tailor my experience to their services as I understand them.

WTF? I haven’t even gotten used to the idea of living on 450 dollars a week in unemployment. Granted, I don’t have the job yet, and nothing is guaranteed, but three hours? My resume’s good, but I don’t think it’s that good. Also, a buddy of mine knows the CEO of another company I’m interested in, and is putting me forward through him…so I’d like to have time to take a look at that, but this does let me know the market for IT managers is pretty good right now.