
Video: Samantha Bee Plumbs the Depths of the Deep State, Finds Alex Jones Lurking

๐Ÿˆ Crush White Christian Nationalism ๐Ÿˆ3/17/2017 11:29:38 am PDT

re: #517 ObserverArt

Awww, thatโ€™s sad.

Iโ€™m not sure it is a good thing to have cyanide out to where something like this could happen. WTF?

Not just a hunk of cyanide either. Weaponized cyanide just waiting to kill anyone or any animal.

Nielsen said the cyanide device known as an M-44 was placed in the area by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Itโ€™s spring-activated and is typically smeared with bait and shoots poison into an animalโ€™s mouth when it tugs on the trap.