
Breitbart Shocked, Shocked to Find That Birtherism is Going on at TeaBagCon

goddamnedfrank2/06/2010 5:52:08 pm PST

re: #500 Buck

That was the point of the show.

The show argued that Hitler acted more like Mao/Che/Castro brothers / Stalin / Chavez (all leftists) than he did anyone on the right.

Crazy? I don’t think so.

Yeah, crazy. Fascism and national socialism are far right, private ownership based corporatism ideologies, having nothing to do with traditional left wing socialism AT ALL. The only thing Hiter and Mousolini have in common with Mao / Che etc. is that they are all totalitarians.

I am still really offended that you said the right is “militaristic, sexist, or homophobic “.

So what, be offended because they are.

Yes When the left wages war, acts in a homophobic way, or is sexist you excuse it, cause their heart is in the left place.

The modern american left does not behave this way or hold these views, the modern american right does. Deal with it.

I could argue that Clinton was militaristic, sexist, and homophobic.

Sure, however you could NOT argue that his contemporary republican opposition was LESS militaristic, sexist or homophobic.

I could argue that there were more same sex marriages during Bush, and more access to abortion (measured by the number of yellow page ads for abortion clinics).

Which Bush had nothing to do with and actively opposed, making your “point” nothing but dipshit manipulation.

Clinton created the DODT and Defense of marriage. Homophobic acts.

He signed them into law, homophobic contract with america conservatives and go along to get along centrist legislators created them. He was never more homophobic than the republicans he was working with, but sadly he did cater to their prejudices. Stop manipulating objective truth to sell your distorted version of history.

Militaristic? Well Clinton use the military in ways Bush would not have…Remember “Wag the Dog”? That was about Clinton.

No, that was about a unique VX nerve gas precursor discovered by the CIA. Leave it to a right wing apologist to argue that Clinton attempting retaliation against Bin Laden was wrong.

My point is to show jamesfirecat that the right cannot be defined by homophobia. The “recent” left shows signs of homophobia.

Right, so because Obama and modern democrats take the gay vote for granted and do little for them, the american right cannot be criticized for going to Uganda and trying to get gays killed. You’ve got a serious false equivalence problem.