
Creationist Governor Featured Speaker at RNC Meeting

dwells387/21/2009 12:57:09 pm PDT

re: #381 avanti

As a agnostic, I don’t get atheists, I can’t “know” that there is not a supreme being, I just don’t think that if there is one, organized religion has got it right. As a matter of fact, I hope they don’t have it right.

The way I think of it is I’m an atheist until there’s any evidence for a supreme being. Right now there is none. There’s only everyone talking about one and buildings dedicated to one and no scientific proof or evidence direct or indirect for a supreme supernatural being.

Why should I be agnostic (not knowing) when right now I know there’s no evidence. And there’s tons of evidence for a natural process that occurred over eons. That I also know. When someone produces the supreme being evidence I’ll adjust my beliefs pronto.